Prof. Dr. Goran Djordjevic (Department of Physics, University of Nis, Serbia) visited Faculty of Science and Mathematics University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Hercegovina) from 19 to 23 May 2021.
Prof. Djordjevic gave the talk on
Inflationary Paradigm
on Friday, May 21st 2021.
This visit is also used for continuation of joint work and supervision on mechanical analogous of slow-roll inflation with different potentials, for presentation and for discussion on joint research and training activities within the SEENET-MTP Network.
This visit was done under the NT-03 ICTP – SEENET-MTP research-exchange program TECOM-GRASP (ThEoretical and Computational Methods in GRavitation and AstroPhysics), coordinated by the University of Craiova.