A lecture by Prof. Lazaroiu in Niš

Prof. Dr. Calin Lazaroiu from IFIN-HH (Bucharest, Romania) and Center for Geometry and Physics, Institute for Basic Science (Pohang, Republic of Korea), Prof. Dr. Dimitar Mladenov and Aleksandar Stefanov from Faculty of Physics, University St. Kliment Ohridski (Sofia, Bulgaria) will be visiting University of Niš in frame of the ICTP – SEENET-MTP research-training program “Strings and Cosmology”.

Prof. Lazaroiu will give a talk:

Compactification in Superstring and M-theory

on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 15:00h. The talk will be held at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics (Niš, Serbia).

Additional internal seminars will be timely announced as well.