Balkan Summer Institute 2011 is Closed

The Balkan Summer Institute BSI2011 in Serbia was jointly organized by the SEENET-MTP Network and its Office at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics Nis, in a close cooperation with Faculty of Physics, University of Craiova and world-known institutions as CERN, ICTP, LMU, Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau).

The Institute took place in Nis from August 19 to August 21 (Seminar for teachers BSS2011) and in Donji Milanovac (Balkan School and Workshop(s), BS2011, JW2011 and BW201) from August 21 to September 1, 2011. JW2011 was mainly devoted to the scientific and human legacy of the great physicist Dr. Julius Wess (1934-2007).

A number of publications related to BSI2011 will be published during next year. More information and call for srticles can be found at the web pages of any particular meeting of the BSI2011.

Photos taken by the Organizers during the BSI2011 are now available. All particpants are kindly asked and encouraged to sned us their photos from BSI2011 by e-mail or send us a link to download those photos.

Thank you all for coming!

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