We are pleased to announce the fourth PhD seminar “New Trends in High Energy Theory” in the framework of the CERN – SEENET-MTP PhD Training Program.
The seminar will be held at the Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Bulgaria, from October 15 (arrival day) to October 21 (departure day), 2017.
The event is intended for PhD students with interests in High Energy Physics and String Theory. The students will be given the opportunity to attend lectures from introductory to advanced level. The lectures will be followed by exercise classes.
Topics discussed will include:
- Introduction to string theory.
- Black holes and holographic correspondence.
- Gauge theories and holography.
- Supersymmetry and Supergravity – holographic perspectives.
Lecturers are Timo Weigand (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland), Atish Dabholkar (ICTP, Trieste, Italy), Anastasios Petkou (AU, Thessaloniki, Greece), Veselin Filev (DIAS, Dublin, Ireland), Nikolay Bobev (KU Leuven, Belgium), Kiril Hristov (INRNE, BAS, Bulgaria) and Radoslav Rashkov (Sofia University, Bulgaria).
The deadline for applications is September 10, 2017.
Members of the Local organizing committee are Hristo Dimov (Faculty of Physics, Sofia University) – Chair, Radoslav Rashkov (Faculty of Physics, Sofia University), Plamen Bozhilov (Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS), Tsvetan Vetsov (Faculty of Physics, Sofia University) and Stefan Mladenov (Faculty of Physics, Sofia University).
Members of the Program committee are Gian Giudice (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland), Goran Djordjevic (Faculty of Science, Nis, Serbia), Wolfgang Lerche (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) and Radoslav Rashkov (Faculty of Physics, Sofia University).
More information about the Seminar can be found here. Contact e-mail: or
About origin of the CERN – SEENET-MTP PhD Training Program see here, and information about the previous Schools are available here (Belgrade, Bucharest and Timisoara).