General Information

The Workshop will be held in Kladovo, near the National Park Djerdap, at the Danube river, from 2nd (arrival) to 9th (departure) September 2007.  The Organizers of the Workshop are the Department of Physics (University of Nis, Serbia), Max Planck Institute for Physics and Ludwig-Maximillians-University (Munich, Germany). Local coorganizer are Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade and Section of Serbian Physical Society - Nis.



The purpose of the Workshop is to foster and improve the communication among the researchers in the Balkan region and also between them and their colleagues elsewhere in the world.

The principal idea is to create an opportunity for the researchers working in the general area of high energy physics at different institutions in the Balkan countries to showcase their work and present their results. This will help continuation of a supportive environment with closer collaborative ties and to strengthen the existing regional and interregional collaboration (e.g. Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics SEENET-MTP). Such enhanced communication and collaboration between individual researchers in high energy physics in the region will encourage closer contacts and cooperation between their faculties, universities and institutes, supporting an exchange of scientific personnel and the realization of joint projects.

Science has already transcended national borders, and our ultimate hope is that the effect of scientific integration will also have positive influence on the society in the Balkan in general.

Main Topics



The number of participants is expected to be around 65. The organizers will cover a part of expenses for the invited participants. Limited additional funds should be available for a few participants, to be selected by the Organizers.

Travel expenses will be covered partially, depending on the level of international support and the availability of funds.

The organizers will try to waive a number of the participants from the conference fee.

Deadline for registration and request for financial support: March 31, 2007.

Contact Address

Balkan Workshop 2007

Department of Physics, University of Nis

Visegradska 33

P.O. Box 224

18001 Nis, Serbia

Phone +381 18 226 310 *NEW

Phone/Fax +381 18 533 014




* Unfortunately, previous contact phone thorough the switchboard +381 18 533 015/ ext 47 because of some temporal technical reasons is out of function for a while.